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【告知】第16回真澄会のお知らせ~「ベトナムの伝統的蓮茶を作ってみましょ🍵🍃🌱✨」の巻 MASUMI KAI 16th Event "Shall we make Vietnamese


ベトナム人と似て朝早くを好む蓮🌞✨。 蓮は、朝5時頃から咲き始め、6〜7月が旬のお花であり、ベトナムの国花でもあります。 昔はベトナムの王宮の女性たちが美肌を保持するために飲まれており、今や蓮の花のエキスから抗酸化作用やアンチエイジング効果もあり、美肌茶としても人気な蓮茶。 ほのかに甘い香りがする蓮の花からできるお茶も今の時期だからこそ作れるお茶。 この機会に伝統的な蓮茶づくりを体験してみませんか?


⏱スケジュール🍃🌱✨ 9:00〜集合 9:15〜11:00:ワークショップ 🌱伝統的な蓮茶作り体験(1人2つずつ持ち帰りできます) 🌱蓮茶を嗜みながら、蓮茶の作り方、蓮茶の淹れ方などのお話を聞きます


🍃費用:1人大人350,000vnd / 子供(18歳以下)100,000 vnd



🍎English version🍎

We tell you next 16th event of Masumi kai as below🙋🏻💓

The content: Shall we make Vietnamese Lotus tea ?? 🌱🍵🍃✨

‘LOTUS’ likes early morning same as Vietnamese people who wake up around 5:00am in usual. It’s most suitable season to make Lotus tea from June to around middle of July every year. Besides, Lotus flower is National flower in Vietnam. In the past, the queen of royal palace used to drink to keep skin beautiful. Currently this essence of Lotus is known as antioxidant effect and anti-aging and so on. So, this tea is so famous as becoming beauty skin tea in Vietnam.

Shall we try to have a experience to make traditional Vietnamese Lotus tea?

🍃Date : 15th July 2018 (Sun) 9:00 a.m-

⏱Schedule 9:00 : Please come work shop! 9:15〜11:00 :Workshop 🌱 Make Lotus tea 2 pcs/person. You can bring home. 🌱 Listen to story such as how to brew Lotus tea and how to make one while tasting etc...

🍃Location: Workshop (Tay Ho or Ba Dinh district)

🍃Cost: 350,000vnd / adult, 100,000vnd/ under 18 ages child

🍃We prepare all materials.

💖💛💚Please contact us till 9th July (Mon) if you want to join via contact form💖💛💚

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